Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Springfield Missouri- Landers Theater

This is copied from the Springfield Little Theater Website, for accuracy purposes

Performers on stage must have to focus on what they are doing, as they have plenty of entities watching them, which can be distracting!
1) In 1920, a major fire broke out in the theater, killing the janitor.
The apparition of the janitor is often seen by the actors on stage, way up in the balcony, watching them rehearse.
2) During the 1920′s, which was a time of racial segregation, a man was knifed in the 2nd balcony (“the colored section”), and died there.
This entity is described as being a green orb, or phosphorescent haze, about 5 feet tall, is seen in the 2nd balcony and on the landing between the first and second balconies. The area where it appears is about 20 degrees colder than the temperature elsewhere.
3) A tragic accident occurred when a BABY fell from the balcony to its death, much to the horror of its mother.
A) A baby’s cries can be heard, as well as its mother trying to comfort it.
B) Performers have seen an apparition of a baby falling from the balcony during rehearsals.
4) Part of the fourth floor in the past used to be apartments, which housed touring actors and actresses.
On the street in front of the theater people have observed a tall apparition of a long-haired, blonde man, dressed in Elizabethan clothes peering at them from behind a curtain on the fourth floor in a room which is now a costume room.
5) People in the theater building report that they sense a unseen presence following them, tapping them on the shoulder.
6) A middle-aged male apparition appeared as a solid form in the middle of the auditorium before the lighting and technical director as he returned from the basement, to make the security system work, as the theater was closed. Thinking that this apparition was a living man, the director asked the entity if he could help him. This apparition went behind a pillar and disappeared. The director described this entity as being nearly 6 ft tall, with long hair and a black and gray-peppered beard, has a big nose, full lips, bushy eyebrows.
Before this entity appeared before the lighting and technical director, a group of people, playing with a Ouija board in the balcony (which can be very dangerous) said that the entity’s name was “Ned”, and described him the same way as the lighting and technical director.
Yes Indeed!
Sources: HAUNTED HIGHWAY; The Spirits of Route 66, by Ellen Robson and Dianne Halicki.
Web-Sites sources:  Legends of America

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